Friday, June 27, 2014

BB16 - Episode 1 *spoilers*

So this is part 1 of the 2 part premiere of Big Brother season 16. The first 8 houseguests were introduced to the audience and allowed in fours into the house.

After watching the pre-premiere interviews from the houseguests, I will say that my initial impressions of the first 8 have not changed much if at all.

I still love Frankie. I still can't stand Paola. Joey still rocks my world and I will say I love her blue hair! Amber, Donny, Devin, and Cody are still Switzerland for me. I don't love them, I don't hate them, they're just there. Nicole is an idiot but she doesn't bother me with her ineptitude yet.

After the introduction via video clips of them getting their keys, Julie lets them into the house. First four are Cody, Amber, Donny and Joey. Screaming and running and exclamations of disbelief ensues lol. Donny seems very lost and out of place. Poor guy. Next in are Devin, Nicole, Paola, and Frankie to join the rest. Nicole actually admits to the DR that she pees her pants if she gets excited. Lordy..  Joey and Frankie hit it off right away. Squeee! They all see 16 place settings at the table and realize there are more HG's to come. Duh lol.

They all introduce themselves. Cody wants to know more about "Pow-pow" (rolls eyes). Frankie is wary of Pow-pow because she's a DJ and probably knows who his sister is and might know him as well. Frankie and Paola have crushes on Cody.. lol. Joey says Frankie and she are soul mates. Devin comes clean about him being a MLB player. Devin thinks Joey is a 10!

After the break, the 8 HG's  have a house meeting claiming solidarity against the new 8 coming in the house. They name themselves the crazy 8's. Then Frankie suggests the Mama Mia ab routine. He, Devin, and Cody get down and work out their abs. Everyone watches in disbelief and think it's awesome lol. Donny corners Devin and tells him he's a superfan, Devin tells Donny he trusts him and makes a side alliance with him. They call themselves the Double D's. Paola sees Frankie and Cody upstairs playing chess by the HOH room. She interferes and hangs out trying to keep them from making an alliance. Meanwhile Paola joins Joey, Nicole and Amber hanging out in the fire room. They make a side alliance together, the four girls, calling themselves El Quatro. Nicole tells the DR she doesn't even know what El Quatro means. Ugh.

Julie calls the HG's to the living room. She tells them they're going to be crowded in the house very soon. Then she tells them that one of them will be HOH. After the squeals of delight, Julie drops the bomb that the HOH is not safe, but she doesn't elaborate further. Paranoia abounds!

Julie comes back and calls them back for the HOH comp. In the backyard, there are sand castles, kites, and a big rolling log. Everyone has to balance walking on their part of the log while holding their kite. If they fall or let go of the kite string, their kite will fall and kill the sand castle. Paola falls first, Joey struggles, Devin shows stress. Joey falls next. Julie announces they need some sunscreen. The rest of the HG's get sprayed with "sunscreen". Nicole falls right after. Paola stares at Cody and his "delicious abs" yuck! Donny almost falls but makes a good save. The rolling log stops all of a sudden and changes direction. Everyone is struggling to stay on the log. After the break, we see Donny fall off the log. Devin falls almost right after. Now we only have Amber, Frankie, and Cody. Frankie looks solid. Cody is doing ok, and Amber is doing a big of a backwards jog. Cody falls next, it's down to Amber and Frankie. Amber tells the DR she's going to throw the comp because she's afraid of the HOH twist. Can you blame her? Frankie is thrilled to be HOH even though he's unsure if he should be stoked or not. Frankie calls a quick meeting asking for the rest of the 8 to have his back no matter what happens when the next 8 come in. He's freaking out a little bit.

After the last break, Julie talks to the new HOH and the rest of the HG's. Julie congratulates Frankie, lets him know that he will be tasked with nominating two HG's. She then says 8 more people are coming, and also drops the bomb that they will have an HOH as well. Two HOH's!! She says by the end of the week, only one HOH will be standing but doesn't say anything else about it. Another cliffhanger. More speculation.

Julie tells the viewers about TeamAmerica alliance. Three houseguests will be in an alliance with America. Throughout the summer, we will send them on secret missions, etc. Then we get teaser videos of the next 8 houseguests to come into the game.

Overall, these 8 really have a great energy. So far, they're fun and vivacious and guarantee some drama and excitement in the house. I'm looking forward to seeing what the introduction of the next 8 brings to this dynamic.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

First Impressions of the BB16 cast

I'm going to preface this post with the fact that I've watched nearly every episode of Big Brother. I only missed season 1 but I don't find that be a downfall in Big Brother fandom. The game has changed so much over the years, but season 1 didn't follow even the most basic format of the game from season 2 on.

I will admit I am a fan of the Big Brother villains. My favorite players by far are Janelle, Mike Boogie, Dr. Will, Howie, Dan, Dick, and Rachel. There are others I'm fans of (like Jeff and Jordan, Ian, and Brittany) but they can't be classified as villains. I also find that I always end up pulling for the weirdos and gay/bi houseguests. I loved Casey, Lydia, Kevin, James (season 9), Ragan, Marcellas, etc and so on.

My least favorite houseguests have been: Chiara and Josh (S3), Dana and Allison (S4), Diane and Karen (S5), Eric, Maggie, and Ivette (S6), Danielle Donato and Kail (S8) Adam and Sheila (S9) Jessie (S10 & S11) Chima, Russel, and Ronnie (S11) Kathy, Kristen, and Monet (S12), Kalia, Lawon, and Shelly (S13) Jojo, Wil, and Willie (S14), and pretty much the whole cast of Season 15 however most notably Aaryn (what a bitch!).

As you've probably assumed, my least favorite season was 15, and since I didn't pick any players as least favorite from Season 2, yes that was my favorite. In Season 15 the only player I pulled for was Elissa and even then only because she's Rachel's sister. Out of the two of them Rachel was definitely better suited to play Big Brother... but probably only because she's such a big personality and doomed to fail lol. I'm sure everyone was as shocked as I was when she won Season 13. About her now husband Brendon, I'll only say that I liked him better in S13 than S12.. and only because he had Jeff yelling at him all the time. That was such a strange dynamic with Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and Brendon.

Ok onto Season 16. I'll post pictures of the cast and my first impressions of them upon watching their interviews with Jeff Schroeder.

I got the impression that Amber is a big of an airhead. She gave off a vibe that she's not in it to win, but more for national attention. I'm predicting that her social game will be a big of a flop and she'll most likely be evicted in the first 4 weeks.

Brittany is NOT a BB fan and won't know the game as well as those houseguests who are. I think if she's not shell-shocked by the level of the game being played from the beginning, she might make it far with her social skills. My prediction is, she might make it to jury if she plays it smart.

Caleb struck me as a guy who is too full of himself to connect with anyone to form an alliance. He's more interested in serving someone else up as bait than playing any kind of believable social game. My prediction is he'll play too hard too fast and get booted very early in the game.

Christine strikes me as a real gamer. Competitive, smart, easily likable. If she can play her social game with flawless accuracy, she will make it far. I think her awkwardness and lack of physical ability could be a big drawback for her. 

My very first impression was this guy could not be a good salesperson because he sucks at conversation, at least with Jeff. I understood later he could just be nervous with Jeff because he idolizes him as a BB player. He's definitely competitive, physically fit (in appearance) and could score points for himself in physical comps if he plays it smart. If he's not targeted early he could make it pretty far, but still land in jury.

Derrick will need to make a solid alliance from the very beginning to make it far in the game. I think lying about the fact that he's law enforcement could be a big mistake. He has experience blending in and lying with his undercover work so I think he could make it pretty far, maybe even final 4.

Devin will be targeted before they even enter the house. He's a very big guy and physically intimidating. He will really need to work the social aspect to get anywhere in the game. If he works an alpha male mentality he might make it relatively far but not all the way to the end.

Despite the obvious country good ol' boy persona, Donny is a very open and likable kind of guy. He's very funny and if he can get over the age gap and work the kind of social game that makes people want to keep him around (think Chicken George) he will make it to jury or even further.

I first thought Frankie would be more like Wil from S14 so I almost resolved not to like him. Then I saw the interview and loved him immediately. He's very likable, funny, articulate, cute.. I think he'll be a hit with the ladies. He might float along for entertainment value for a bit.

Hayden strikes me as a guy who is trying to hard to pull of the laid-back Frank persona. He's a bit of an airhead, but his social game might carry him for a bit if he teams up with the right people.

Not sure what to think of Jocasta. I usually don't like the overly-churchy kind of houseguest (with the exception of Dan.. but it's obvious he was willing to overlook his moral values for the game lol). I really don't think she's in it to win it, despite what she says to the contrary.

I love Joey! She's quirky, funny, spunky, very personable and likable. I think if she hooks up with the right people she will make it far. I hope to see her in final 4, but generally the people I like right away get evicted before jury (Kaysar!!).

I'm predicting pure floater material in Nicole. She can play the ditzy blonde card but she's relatively smart. She's not as sweet spirited as Danielle (S14) at first impression so I'm not sure if she will make it far at all.

Paola (or as Jeff called her, Pow-Pow) is rather likable despite the dramatic, center-of-attention persona. I'm giving her a 50/50 chance of making it. She'll have to team up with some powerful people from the get-go or else bring her social game.. the other women might revolt against her.

One of the only members of the cast I couldn't stand from start to finish of her interview. She's an idiot in my opinion. She comes off as flaky and narcissistic. I hope to see the back end of her at the first eviction.

I think Zach could be Dan 2.0 but better liked by the cast if he plays his cards right. Dan was well liked in his season but in coaches season, he had to stage his own funeral to get himself out of hot water. I loved Dan but I'm still amazed he made it to final 2.. what a player! Zach seems to be of a like mind with Dan as far as strategy goes. I hope the other houseguests don't spot the Dan in his agenda and send him packing. I'm looking forward to seeing this guy in action.